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Dental Braces

Dental braces

from ksh 150k

A little about braces

Modern braces come in various types, including traditional metal braces, ceramic braces (which are less noticeable), lingual braces (placed on the back of teeth), and clear aligners (like Invisalign), which are removable and nearly invisible.

The choice of braces and the duration of treatment depend on your specific needs and preferences, as well as the orthodontist’s recommendations. Braces can significantly improve both the appearance and functionality of your teeth and bite.

Close-up dental braces on teeth. Orthodontic Treatment
orthodontist in holding dental instruments near happy african american patient in braces

apple dental care

Types of Braces

Below are the 4 most popular kinds of braces available .
Visit Apple Dental Care to discuss your options today.

Metal Braces

These are the traditional kind of braces and use metal brackets, wires and bands to slowly adjust the shape of youe teeth.


Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces work in the same way as the metal braces do. The only difference is that ceramic braces are tooth coloured.

Lingual Braces

These are similar to traditional braces,  however they are put at the back of your teeth, making it invisible when you smile.

Clear Aligners

Clear. aligners are removable braces, unlike the metal or ceramic ones. they use custom trays to align your teeth.